⋒⋒⋒ Welcome 🙏 ⋒⋒⋒

About me..


Hi, I'm Sacha Jacobsen. I make things because it makes me happy.

I'm a mum to 3 beautiful young kids, I love nature + getting my hands dirty. I don't like busy places!

I've always wanted to be an artist (but never felt confident enough to call myself one). My career began back in 2010 when I started making jewellery, which slowly progressed into making mobiles which I have been doing since 2017 under the previous brand name Juno + Ace.


I have finally, (after many years of deliberation + false starts due to lack of self esteem), started to paint.

Both metalwork + painting bring me such joy. I hope to share more of my work with you soon.

Thanks for stoppin' by!